
Academic degree:
List of courses which are provided this academic year:
Research interests:
The contact information: 61057, Kharkiv, Mironosіtskaya Str.,1, 3-26 contact phone number: 057 707 53 31 email:
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Eugene B. Berezhnoy

Academic degree: Ph.D, Assistant Professor
List of courses which are provided this academic year: Theory and history of accounting and taxation, Accounting for Banks Financial controlControl in budgetary institutions, Internal control
Research interests: Financial control, Business and taxation
The contact information: 61057, Kharkiv, Mironosіtskaya Str.,1, 3-26 contact phone number: 057 707 53 31 email: e.berezhnoy@karazin.ua
Link to the profile in Google Scholar
Academic degree:
List of courses which are provided this academic year:
Research interests:
The contact information: 61057, Kharkiv, Mironosіtskaya Str.,1, 3-26 contact phone number: 057 707 53 31 email: ysglushach@karazin.ua
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Peter A. Ivashchenko

Academic degree: Ph.D, Assistant Professor
List of courses which are provided this academic year: Information systems and technology statistics, Econometrics, Econometric Modeling and Forecasting, Management information systems in accounting, analysis and audit, Models and methods of decision-making analysis and audit.
Research interests: Econometric modeling and forecasting of business processes
The contact information: 61057, Kharkov, Mironosіtskaya Str.,1 contact phone number: 057 707 53 31 email: poivashchenko@karazin.ua
Link to the profile in Google Scholar
Kushchenko Elena Ivanovna

Academic degree: Ph.D, Assistant Professor
List of courses which are provided this academic year: Business statistics, Goods market statistics, Statistics, Tourism statistics, Statistical management, The Organization of statistical observations
Research interests: Statistical aspect of modern business - processes in the economy of Ukraine
The contact information: 61057, Kharkov, Mironosіtskaya Str.,1 contact phone number: 057 707 53 31 email: o.kushchenko@karazin.ua
Link to the profile in Google Scholar
Inna А. Kosata
Academic degree: Ph.D, Assistant Professor
List of courses which are provided this academic year:
Research interests:
The contact information: 61057, Kharkov, Mironosіtskaya Str.,1
contact phone number: 057 707 53 31 email: ikosata@karazin.ua
Link to the profile in Google Scholar
Oleksiy S. Korepanov

Academic degree: Ph.D, Assistant Professor
List of courses which are provided this academic year: Applied Econometrics, Modeling and Forecasting, Modern Methods of Forecasting Business Processes, Methods of Classification of Multivariate Observations in Statistics, Statistics.
Research interests: Modeling and forecasting (with the use of modern economic and statistical methods) of dynamics of the markets.
The contact information: 61057, Kharkov, Mironosіtskaya Str.,1 contact phone number: 057 707 53 31 email: o.s.korepanov@karazin.ua
Link to the profile in Google Scholar
George S. Korepanov
Academic degree: Ph.D
List of courses which are provided this academic year: Statistics ICT, Projected Commercial Calculations Based on Fuzzy data, Statistical Analysis Numerical Data, Statistical Database Statistics.
Research interests: Statistical modeling and forecasting, investment.
The contact information: 61057, Kharkov, Mironosіtskaya Str.,1 contact phone number: 057 707 53 31 email: g.s.korepanov@karazin.ua
Link to the profile in Google Scholar
Yuliya A. Lazebnyk
Academic degree: Ph.D
List of courses which are provided this academic year: Organization of Sample Surveys, System of National Accounts Methodology and Organization of National Accounting, Economic and Social Statistics, Agricultural Statistics.
Research interests: System analysis of socio-economic phenomena and processes, monitoring of market conditions on the use of modern economic and statistical methods and models.
The contact information: 61057, Kharkov, Mironosіtskaya Str.,1 contact phone number: 057 707 53 31 email: y.a.lazebnyk@karazin.ua
Link to the profile in Google Scholar
Nazarova Oleksandra Yuryivna

Academic degree: Ph.D, Assistant Professor
List of courses which are provided this academic year: Economic statistics, Demographic statistics, Market statistics service, Statistiks of enterprises, Finance and Banking Statistics
Research interests: Statistical study of demographic processes in the world and Ukraine Studies of market development services
The contact information: 61057, Kharkov, Mironosіtskaya Str.,1 contact phone number: 057 707 53 31 email: 61057, Kharkov, Mironosіtskaya Str.,1
Link to the profile in Google Scholar
Tetiana V. Ponomarova

Academic degree: PhD, Associate Professor
List of courses which are provided this academic year: Statistics, Accounting and reporting in the taxation, Tax Statistics, Information systems and technologies in the accounting and the auditing.
Research interests: Methods and Applications of Statistics in Business, Finance, and Management.Accounting and taxation.
The contact information: 61057, Kharkiv, Mironosіtskaya Str.,1, 3-26 contact phone number: 057 707 53 31 email: tvponomareva@karazin.ua
Link to the profile in Google Scholar
Rozit Tetiana Vladimirovna

Academic degree: Ph.D, Assistant Professor
List of courses which are provided this academic year: Book keeping, Managerial accounting Accounting and taxation of small enterprise, Accounting and financial reporting according to international standards, Accounting and taxation by kind of economic activity.
Research interests: Accounting support of enterprise management, standardization of accounting in Ukraine in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards
The contact information: 61057, Kharkov, Mironosіtskaya Str.,1 contact phone number: 057 707 53 31 email:
Link to the profile in Google Scholar
Slyunina Tetyana Leonidivna

Academic degree: Ph.D, Assistant Professor
List of courses which are provided this academic year: AuditingInternal Auditing Methods, Organization of the system of the auditing service quality, Organization and methods of tax control, Accounting and reporting in budget (state-finance) organizations
Research interests: Auditing Development in Ukraine and worldwide.Tax Administration
The contact information: 61057, Kharkov, Mironosіtskaya Str.,1 contact phone number: 057 707 53 31 email: tslunina@karazin.ua
Link to the profile in Google Scholar
Tatyana G. Chala

Academic degree: Ph.D, Assistant Professor
List of courses which are provided this academic year: Economic-statistical Methods of Market Research, Regional Statistics Statistics of Economic Activities, Statistics
Research interests: Research of regional market conditions with modern economic and statistical methods.
The contact information: 61057, Kharkov, Mironosіtskaya Str.,1 contact phone number: 057 707 53 31 email: t.g.chala@karazin.ua
Link to the profile in Google Scholar
Daryna I. Chernenko
Academic degree: Ph.D
List of courses which are provided this academic year: Medical statistics, Economic-statistical Methods of Market Research, Statistics
Research interests: Economic-statistical market research, medical services market.
The contact information: 61057, Kharkov, Mironosіtskaya Str.,1 contact phone number: 057 707 53 31 email: d.i.chernenko@karazin.ua
Link to the profile in Google Scholar
Chuprina Olena Anatoliivna

Academic degree: Ph.D, Assistant Professor
List of courses which are provided this academic year: Economic analysis, Macroeconomic analysis, Analysis of the economy of Ukraine by using the SNA, Financial analysis.
Research interests: A statistical study of the socio-economic development of the regions of Ukraine, Analysis of the theory and practice of enterprises, Macroeconomic analysis.
The contact information: 61057, Kharkov, Mironosіtskaya Str.,1 contact phone number: 057 707 53 31 email: eachuprina@karazin.ua
Link to the profile in Google Scholar