Department of Statistics, Accounting and Audit![]() ![]() BRIEF HISTORY OF CREATION
The statistics and accounting department was founded in 1953, and at that time served the training of specialists in 'Political economy' and 'National economy planning' specialities. The department was created and headed during 18 years by Zhytnitskiy Zinoviy Lazarevich /1911-1986/, candidate of economic science and assistant professor.
Since 1966, the department became graduating and first students were admitted for the speciality of 'Statistics'. At the same time, the department served all the specialities of the faculty and took part in formation of new specialities. In 1960-80s, Liberman Yevsey Grigorievich, famous scientist and economist of universal reputation, Doctor of Economics and Professor, worked at the statistics and accounting department. Since 1970, there worked Semenyak Inna Vladimirovna, Doctor of Economics and Professor /she is the Head of the marketing department since 1988/. From 1985 up to 2003, the department was headed by Selivanov Vladimir Mykhailovich, candidate of economic science and Profesor. And since 2003, the department is headed by Sobolev V.M., Doctor of Economics and Professor. Starting from January 2004, the department has been renamed into the department of statistics, accounting and audit. The scientific tendency of the department activity can be formulated as follows: 'Elaboration of principles and methods of statistical methodology in research of social-economic phenomena under conditions of market relations development '. The 8.050.110 speciality, 'Economic statistics', is one of the leading specialities at the economic department of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Graduates of the statistics, accounting and audit department have solid fundamental scientific and practical schooling. Figuratively speaking, they are programmed for continuous renovation and enrichment of their knowledge in the process of practical activity. The graduates can work in institutions of the State committee of statistics of Ukraine, administrations and departments, production associations, and at enterprises of any kind of ownership, in any market structure, municipal organs, and branch research and educational institutions. Statistics experts are trained to take up the following positions: economist (statistics organs, departments, associations, enterprises, firms); specialist, junior research assistant (research organizations); teacher, senior laboratory assistant, methodologist (educational institutions). The speciality of 'Economic statistics' is the guarantee of employment assistance, career and high earnings. For more detailed information, contact us: 1 Mironositskaya Str., Kharkiv, room 3-25, 3-26, Tel. 707-53-31, e-mail:statistika@karazin.ua |
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Faculty of Economics c. Kharkiv, st. Mironosizka, 1 |
V.N. Karazin Kharkov National University | ![]() |