SpecialitiesECONOMIST-STATISTICIAN The interest to statistics is growing all over the world. In our country this interest is particularly keen due to transition of the economy to market relations and to implementation of social-economic reforms infringing on the interests of all the people. In the modern society, statistics is playing an important role in the economic management mechanism. It accumulates, scientifically processes, generalizes and analyses information characterizing the development of the country’s economy, culture and the standard of living of the people. As a result, it becomes possible to discover correlations in the economy and to study the moving forces of its development, to make international comparisons, and finally, to create a powerful information base that would serve the grounds for efficient managerial decisions at the national and regional levels. That is why, in the system of economic education, special attention is paid to the study of statistics which is the basic scientific discipline forming the professional level of a modern specialist. The 8.050.110 speciality, 'Economic statistics', is one of the leading specialities at the economic department of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Graduates of the statistics and accounting department have solid fundamental scientific and practical schooling, they, figuratively speaking, are programmed for continuous renovation and enrichment of their knowledge in the process of practical activity. They can work in institutions of the State committee of statistics of Ukraine, administrations and departments, production associations, and at enterprises of any kind of ownership, in any market structure, municipal organs, and branch research and educational institutions. Statistics experts are trained to take up the following positions: economist (state statistics organs, departments, associations, enterprises, firms); specialist, junior research assistant (research organizations); teacher, senior laboratory assistant, methodologist (educational institutions). The training process provides the cycle of humanities (15), the cycle of fundamental and professionally oriented disciplines (30) and the cycle of fundamental and occupational disciplines (25). Extensive training is provided on computer technologies and two practical trainings in state statistics organs and market structures. Statistics experts are trained on a double-stage system - bachelor (4 years of studying), master (5 years). Twelve teachers work at the department, two of them are Doctors of Economics (Professors) and six are candidates of science (Assistant Professors). There function post-graduate studies and the student scientific society at the faculty. The particular feature about training of statisticians at V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University is that special attention is given to their preparation as statistician analysts. Graduates of this department have solid knowledge and skills of correct perception, and all the more, of practical use of statistical information, formulating of qualified conclusions and preparation of reasonable prognoses. Such specialists are particularly needed in the market economy. An economist-statistician’s knowledge may be necessary in the fields of management and marketing on all organizational levels, in the financing and banking system, managerial structures in cities as well as in villages. 'ACCOUNTING AND AUDIT' SPECIALITY At the present stage of the Ukrainian economy development, the role and significance of business accounting and audit essentially grows for successful solution of industrial and economic tasks at all levels – from enterprises and organizations to the national economy as a whole. Well-organized system of business accounting and internal control contributes to discovery and use of intraeconomic reserves of enterprises, prevention of over-expenditures, reduction of product cost price, increase in labour productivity and production profitability, and improvement of enterprise financial performance; and creates conditions for containment of saving regime in all the branches of the national economy. The entry of Ukraine to the world economy and development of economic connections with many countries turn over a new leaf in business accounting which is the international language of commercial activity, business and entrepreneurship. Under conditions of global economic changes concerning the transfer of Ukraine to the market providing privatization and organization of independent enterprises with different forms of ownership, there arises a sharp necessity of audit as one of management control functions. Every user of an enterprise’s financial accounting need to be sure of its reliability and completeness in order to make relevant managerial decisions. For this purpose, users need assistance of an auditor who has access to all accounts, is experienced in working with accounting documents and can assist in decision-making. Managers of all levels and different industries need to have competence in business accounting and audit, their organization and methods, which determines the necessity of training of the profile specialists in the system of higher education. 'Accounting and audit' speciality is one of the most demanded at the Department of Economy of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Specialists of this school work in different branches of economy. First of all, this is production field, including industry, construction, transport etc., where our graduates have taken up various positions in business accounting. Among our graduates are financial managers of production associations, enterprises and organizations with different forms of ownership and economy management, audit firms and state control organs in the capacity of auditors, tax officers, officers of control-revision administration, in registration and accounting administrations of corresponding ministries, at senior positions in registration and accounting offices of centralized accounts departments and computer centres, economist-accountants on accounting methods, research assistants in the fields of accounting, audit and economic analysis. Curriculums of all the specialities are aimed at training of economists responding to the modern world requirements of market economy. The department staff is continuously working to increase the effectiveness of correlation between different forms of teaching and educational process (lectures, seminars and practical trainings, discussions, colloquiums, business games, practical training at production, modeling and solving of practical problems with computers). Twelve teachers work at the department, two of them are Doctors of Economics (Professors) and six are candidates of science (Assistant Professors). There function the magistrate and post-graduate studies and the student scientific society at the faculty. The education is realized at the cost of budget funds and on contractual basis. There exist full-time and extra-mural forms of studying. Accounting and audit specialists are trained on a three-stage system - bachelor (4 years of studying, full-time and extra-mural forms), specialist (5 years of studying, extra-mural form), master (5 years of studying, full-time and extra-mural forms). The training process provides the cycle of humanities (15), the cycle of fundamental and professionally oriented disciplines (30) and the cycle of fundamental and occupational disciplines (26). Extensive training is provided on computer technologies and two practical trainings at production enterprises and organizations. The department graduates acquire fundamental higher economic education. In the course of four-year training, graduates obtain the bachelor professional diploma confirming that on the basis of complete general education they have acquired fundamental and professionally oriented knowledge and skills for solving typical professional tasks in a definite field of national economy. The master’s programme allows to obtain the master of economics diploma in the course of one additional year of training. This diploma gives the right to work in the capacity of officials in state institutions and private enterprises, of accounting and audit specialists, to conduct research and teach in corresponding fields. Graduates of this speciality are professionals in the field of accounting and audit and play an important role in development of the effective market economy. |
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Faculty of Economics c. Kharkiv, st. Mironosizka, 1 |
V.N. Karazin Kharkov National University | ![]() |