Faculty of Economics

V.N. Karazin Kharkov National University
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"Marketing” Speciality
A marketing specialist is the most required modern economist in countries with market economy

Professional features in the field of marketing
The new generation of marketing directors plays the central role in bringing organizations to a competitive level. A modern professional in the field of marketing should possess knowledge in various related scientific tendencies and types of practical activity and be a flexible politician and sound analyst.
Broad mental outlook of an economist and entrepreneur, ability to make strategic decisions and control the work of creative groups, to estimate the social ethic value of marketing projects and integrate informational and analytical flows, to be an excellent creativist and organizer of advertising and PR-campaigns, ability to learn and teach continuously are indispensable features of a professional.
Organization of education
The main task of training marketing specialists in V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University is giving the students sufficient knowledge and skills for their further business and scientific career. Apart from receiving general humanitarian and economic education in the fields of informatics, computer networks and telecommunications, theory of economics and finance, accounting and audit, marketing and management etc., the students acquire knowledge and skills in the following domains: marketing research; marketing policies of commodities, prices, sales and communications; infrastructure of commodity market; logistics and merchandising; situational analysis; methods of decision-making and marketing risks; economic tectonics and consumer behaviour; strategic, financial, personnel, international and advertising market-management; ethics of business and career development.
In accordance with the professional orientation, students of the “Marketing” speciality successively study the complex of programme and information software through the system of computer special practical work. They study media technologies, e-business, “Marketing analyst”, multidimensional analysis, market logistics, SPSS and CRM-systems.
At master’s level, students receive specialization in one of the three courses:
1)    Analytical marketing – profound training in methods of market situation forecasting, consumer behaviour modelling, complex use of modern information systems and specialized computer software for marketing management;
2)    Marketing communications – profile training in imageology, PR-technologies, modern advertising technologies, branding and socio-political marketing;
3)    Applied marketing – marketing management in the following domains of economic activity: real estate market, banking marketing, commercial logistics and services market;
4)    Commercial business – training includes modules on commercial activity of mediators at the commodity market, exchange business, economics and organization of wholesale and retail trade, foreign economic activity and international trade law.
Several field studies by master-class system at large manufacturing and trading companies of Kharkiv are provided in the curriculum.

Major professional tasks and employment prospects
Marketing activity – a variety of functions in the sphere of manufacturing and commercial entrepreneurship: marketing research, planning, organization and control of marketing, commodity policy, sales, communications, price formation, development of marketing strategies and plans, sales promotion, marketing intelligence, benchmarking, advertising and PR-campaigns etc.
Marketing management – purposeful coordination and formation of all company’s actions related to market activity.
Strategic marketing – the process of development of the strategic complex and main courses of the company’s strategic policy in the field of goods, prices, communications and sales, subject to constantly changing marketing environment.
Marketing research – the process of search, accumulation and processing of data and preparation of information for making strategic and operative decisions in the system of entrepreneurship.
Business planning – the process of coordination of enterprise’s plans and marketing reasoning of strategies, aimed at sales volume increase and profit maximization.
Graduates of the Faculty of Economics of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University are not only trained to fulfil general economic functions, but to perform specialized functions of modern professionals in the marketing field. Among them are:
    commercial managers and assistant managers at enterprises, organizations, institutions and their subdivisions;
    marketing department managers and profile marketing specialists (on sales, research, foreign economic activity, PR, advertising etc.);
    marketing specialist and analyst (researcher of national and international markets and enterprise competitive stability);
    marketing specialist and manager on strategic and operative planning;
    commercial, sale and production specialist in logistics;
    financial marketing specialist;
    socio-political marketing specialist;
    merchandiser;
    supervisor;
    promoter;
    image-maker;
    marketing designer;
    PR-technologist;
    marketing auditor;
    commercial mediator etc.
 Even cursory acquaintance with market situation will convince you in the fact that demand for marketing specialists is constantly growing.

Terms of admission for “Marketing” speciality
People who have completed full secondary education are admitted for the first year of studies in “Marketing” speciality.
Citizens of Ukraine are admitted for state order places of full-time department (budget financing).
Citizens of Ukraine, the CIS and other foreign countries are admitted for contractual education places of full-time department (financing by physical or legal entities).
There are two entrance examinations - in Mathematics (oral) and in the Ukrainian language (dictation).
Applicants who don’t achieve the pass mark for state order places may pretend to study on the contractual basis.
Terms of training at the full-time department:
-    education and qualification level – “Bachelor”, 4 years;
-    education and qualification level – “Master”, 1 year (on the basis of bachelor’s education).
At the extra-mural department, students are trained according to the following education and qualification levels:
-    “bachelor”, 4 years;
-    “specialist”, 1 year (on the basis of bachelor in economics);
-    “master”, 1,5 years (on the basis of bachelor and specialist in economics);
-    “specialist” and “master” in the form of second higher education.

“Management of Foreign Economic Activity” Speciality

Manager in foreign economic activity is an integrated professional in the sphere of economics, economic management and international relations.

Professional features in the field of foreign economic activity management
The modern generation of managers in foreign economic activity plays the central role in bringing organizations to a competitive level in international environment. A professional in the field of foreign economic activity management should solve problems of Ukrainian enterprises’ efficient entry into the foreign market operatively and flexibly. This requires acquisition of knowledge, abilities and skills in various related scientific tendencies and types of practical activity, namely in economics, finance, marketing, management, international relations, modern information technologies and professional knowledge of foreign languages. Broad mental outlook of manager-economist and entrepreneur, ability to manage financial, labour and material resources of a foreign economic activity subject and make strategic decisions, organize labour, direct in turbulent environment, introduce innovations in business; ability for efficient communicational interaction; taking of socio-ethical responsibility for an organization’s activity and ability to master new knowledge and self-perfection are indispensable features of a specialist.

Organization of education
The main task of training foreign economic activity managers is providing students with sufficient knowledge and skills for their further international business and scientific career. Apart from receiving general humanitarian and economic education in the fields of informatics, computer networks and telecommunications, theory of economics and finance, accounting and audit, marketing and management etc., students acquire knowledge and skills in the following domains: foreign economic activity of an enterprise (economics, activity, risks, innovations); international marketing, commercial business and trade mediation, entrepreneur and international law; international economics and organizations, business ethics and career development.
General economic practice at production (in economics of enterprise, marketing, logistics and controlling) and complex practice in speciality (foreign economic activity of all market management subjects) are provided in the curriculum.
 In accordance with the professional orientation, students of “Foreign Economic Activity Management” obligatorily receive profound computer training with the use of modern programme and information software and master at least two foreign languages to perfection.

 Major professional tasks

Management is the process of system organization administration by means of internal and external environment analysis and taking adequate managerial decisions with the purpose of effective business development, satisfaction of social wants and profit earning.
International entrepreneurship is foreign economic activity of economic subjects in manufacturing and intermediary spheres with the purpose of profit earning.
Foreign economic activity of an enterprise is purposeful formation of household, economic, legal and financial relations totality in the sphere of entrepreneurial activity between Ukrainian enterprises, which are subjects of foreign economic activity, and foreign companies which are located both on the territory of Ukraine and abroad.
International marketing management is the process of coordination of all organization’s actions related to economic activity at international markets and aimed at formation of complex strategic policy in the sphere of commodities, prices, sales and communications.
Development of international economic relations is practical activity of forming the system of relations between national economies of different countries, on the basis of international division of labour in the spheres of economic specialization and integration; investment and currency and credit relations; trade, transport and services; trade migration; scientific and technical development.

Employment of graduates
The model of innovational development of Ukraine and modern Euro integrating processes are the conceptual basis of increasing demand for specialists in foreign economic activity management on the world market. Further extension of political, economic, scientific and technical international cooperation claims for involving of considerable corps of skilled managers.
The educational model of training managers in foreign economic activity created in V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University allows the graduates to take up various positions at the national and international level:
-    manager of foreign economic relations;
-    manager of commercial activity and enterprise administration;
-    manager of market research and public opinion analysis;
-    manager of staff recruitment, provision and employment;
-    manager of rendering services to legal entities;
-    information manager;
-    logistics manager;
-    advertising manager;
-    manager of trade mediation;
-    managers and assistant managers at enterprises, organizations, institutions and their departments.
The interest to the Kharkiv National University graduates of Foreign Economic Activity Management speciality is confirmed by letters of request from many enterprises and institutions.

Terms of admission for “Foreign Economic Activity Management” speciality
People who have completed full secondary education are admitted for the first year of studies in “Foreign Economic Activity Management” speciality.
Citizens of Ukraine are admitted for state order places of full-time department (budget financing).
Citizens of Ukraine, the CIS and other foreign countries are admitted for contractual education places of full-time department (financing by physical or legal entities).
There are two entrance examinations - in Mathematics (oral) and in the Ukrainian language (dictation).
Applicants who don’t achieve the pass mark for state order places may pretend to study on the contractual basis.
Terms of training at the full-time department:
-    education and qualification level – “Bachelor”, 4 years;
-    education and qualification level – “Master”, 1 year (on the basis of bachelor’s education).




Faculty of Economics
c. Kharkiv, st. Mironosizka, 1
V.N. Karazin Kharkov National University